Clinical Exercise Physiologist and Chronic Pain Management Specialist

If you live with persistent pain, read on.

Hi, I’m Lorraine and I work with people who suffer with pain and struggle to find a way to reduce it. I have dedicated my career to helping people feel, move and live healthier. What is longevity for if we can’t enjoy it? I taught post secondary for twenty three years in health and lifestyle. Along with my own athletic achievements I have trained elite level athletes, weekend warriors to people unsure of how to start moving safely. My biggest joy though is guiding clients, all levels, who want to recover from an injury or lifespan conditions, and/or those who want to manage their personal chronic pain.

Education and Related Credentials

  • Post Graduate Certificate - Chronic Pain Management Certificate, McGill University

  • Master of Science - Human Movement, A.T. Still University

  • Bachelor of Physical Eduction, University of Alberta

    • CSEP Clinical Exercise Physiologist

    • CSEP High Performance Specialization

    • Exercise is Medicine Canada, Recognized Exercise Professional

    • NASM Enhanced Sport Performance Specialist

    • NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist

    • NOI Explain Pain

    • Canadian Pain Society - member

GLassblock Movement Philosophy

Mind, muscles and joints function together, not alone

Our nervous system is the primary operator of movement functions.

It’s simple really, to improve joint or muscle function we need to work with the mind behind the movement. This is where past therapies may have limited your success with pain management. Some focus on the psychological factors while other therapies focus on the physical aspect.

At Glassblock Movement I merge chronic pain awareness with movement medicine (physical training) to support a person in regaining some quality of life. The person you share with during pain education sessions is the same person who trains you in movement medicine sessions. This communication and connection is so valuable.

Everyone has there own story, so your goal is the goal. Utilizing 1 on 1 sessions you will receive support, learning with meaningful movement to calm the pain experience and stimulate new neural pathways to develop safe to move awareness.

Finally, it is so important to understand how the digestive system has a role in inflammatory related pain. I encourage individuals to reach out to a registered dietitian. If you do not know of one I may be able to link you up with one.

While pain management services cater to clients with chronic musculoskeletal pain, individuals with chronic health conditions are welcome with approved/recommended medical clearance to participate.

Currently Integro Wellness in Sherwood Park, Alberta is my home base because of its philosophy. I like that it’s a clean new age facility, with an amazing list of accessible services with excellent staff. When you sign up with GlassBlock Movement there is no additional facility fee and I can link you up with other services. Feel free to check out Integro Wellness by clicking the button below.

I also do consultations online and in special cases ‘in-home’ sessions. Reach out if you are unable to travel to Integro Wellness.


Services available

  • Pain Education Session

    One on One consultation explores your health history, pain history and pain awareness. Assessments may be performed to assess mobility. The information gathered sets the pathway to be used for your health gains.


  • Movement Medicine Sessions

    In conjunction with a pain education, movement sessions are used as a method to manage your pain. In my realm I call it Movement Medicine.

    Individual training sessions are specific to your daily wellbeing, health and goals.

    The volume of training sessions is again individual, but generally improvement will be seen in eight to ten sessions. Clients often continue on with post rehab sessions as they realize the impact movement has on their lifestyle. This is 100% optional


  • Post Rehab/Performance Enhancement Sessions

    This service is often labeled ‘personal training’.

    One on one training sessions designed to bridge the gap between rehabilitation and being 100% OR when you feel something is limiting you from reaching your optimal performance in a sport.

    I usually say you’re only as strong as your weakest range of motion. For example if you participate in a sport where the dominant movement is flexion extension such as sprinting or cycling, we will focus on other range of motions to promote full functionality of the nervous and muscular systems.


To discuss options, arrange sessions or inquire for more information
